Top Ten Tuesday: Classic Family Fun with Kids Car Games
Part of my inspiration and influence in crafting Pennymeade was more than that English style to which I was exposed during the few years my family spent in England; it was equally a desire to recreate the simplicity that epitomized our life in England. Of course, it was nothing out of the ordinary for the time—it was just the reality of the smart phone, email, internet-free world we were all lucky enough to have once lived in. As our lives change, we tend to lose some of the “mother tongue” we passed down from generation to generation – hand-slapping playground games, sing-along songs, and one of my personal favorites – car games!
As you pack you pack your Pennymeade (our Ashlyn romper is beach perfect!) I challenge you to skip the DVD player and try one of these classics, lest our kids be deprived of this simple, classic joy…
10. When I Go To London… obviously one of my personal favorites! Have one passenger start with, “When I go to London, I’m bring a…” and the next passenger repeats that item and adds one. See just how far the game can go adding onto the list (and good luck packing for that trip!).
9. ABC Game… Using the road for inspiration, challenge the kids to name something beginning with each letter of the alphabet.
8. The License Plate Game… never gets old! Print a list of the states here and let the kids check off as they spot vehicles from around the country.
7. Scavenger Hunt… Perfect for your older riders, print off this sheet and have the kids find these road-side features along the way.
6. I Spy… for the littler passengers, start with a color: “I Spy something red.” See how many red items they can spot along the drive.
5. Sewing Cards… How I loved these! You can still buy them here! Plenty of entertainment and perfect for working on those fine motor skills!
4. Bee… easily differentiated for every age in the car… including Mom and Dad!
3. Spot Ten… choose an item – from red cares to silos and keep spotting till the family hits ten!
2. Rock Paper Scissors… if you haven’t taught your kids yet, you must! It’s a classic!
1. Hug Bug… in a snuggly twist on the old punch buggy game, every time a VW Bug is spotted, holler, “Hug Bug!” and love on the family member next to you!
There are countless more ways to make the most of your time together in the car. And since being a “stay-at-home-mother” rarely involves staying at home, learn a few of these and everyone in the car will be a little happier when you reach your destination!
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