Pennymeade Sale to Benefit the Gray Foundation


Please watch the video above and learn more about the Charlotte & Gweneth Gray Foundation.  As I watched the video several days ago, tears began to roll down my face. I couldn't help but think, what if this was one of my babies... or all of them... what would I do? When I reached the part in the video when Gordon says, "I'm not going to give up hope or give fighting, I have to believe that I am going to save my girls," the cause rang home.

They are not asking for much; they are simply asking for everyone to donate $1. $1 can make the difference - less than half of your Starbucks coffee for the day. I knew I wanted to help in any small way that we could, so here at Pennymeade we are helping to spread the word as well as launch a one week sale to benefit the Gray Foundation.

By using the code GRAY, we invite you to enjoy a 15% discount on your Pennymeade order with all remaining proceeds going directly to the Gray Foundation.  Whether welcoming a new baby, buying a birthday gift, or outfitting your healthy kids, you can help the Grays save theirs. Everyone on Team Pennymeade has made a donation and we ask that you do the same. Help us make a difference by shopping this sale, or simply go directly to their site to make a donation today.  Visit


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